Swiftcom Properties Pages

Swiftcom.com Properties Section Requirements

Note: The requirements for this page were collected from Kimberly Kuntz, SNMG, and David Thiemann, NCCG. They are based on the existing media kit site for NCCG, nccgmedia.com.


User experience/actions

What do we want to offer the user?


How is this section structured and what does it include?


How will users find/get to this hub?


What qualities define the look and feel of this section?

Content collection and section maintenance

What types of content will be present in this section? Who will collect and deliver this information?


June 19, 2009

Single Page Concept

Single Page Concept

Refinement Round 1

2 layouts include: new map graphic, smaller text in lower body copy, serif vs sans serif.

Layout A

Layout B